EKPHRASTIC is an ongoing, collaborative storytelling experiment featuring that has featured over sixty artists and writers. Artists gather over a period of several weeks to add panels to a collaborative drawing installation. When the drawings are finished, writers interpret the images through words. Founded and facilitated by Megan Vossler, Ekphrastic takes place at Soo Visual Arts Center in Minneapolis.
Participating artists and writers have included: Kelly Abeln, Jaime Anderson, Ruby Arnone, Alyssa Baguss, Taylor Baldry, Erik Benson, Ruth Gila Berger, Amelia Biewald, Dan Bruggeman, Michael Brewer Carina, James Cihlar, Melissa Cooke, Jennifer Davis, Jim Denomie, Kendall Dickinson, Andy DuCett, Clair Dunlap, Heid E. Erdrich, Julia Eshaghpour, Shannon Estlund, Christi Furnas, Mary Gibney, Ruthann Godollei, Paige Guggemos, Geoffrey Hamerlinck, Christopher E. Harrison, Sherry Muyuan He, Noah Heil, Sophia Heymans, Sophia Hill, Lindsay Hillenberg, Larassa Kabel, Michael Kleber-Diggs, Kathranne Knight, Ann E. Lawton, David Lefkowitz, Erik Lervold, Allegra Lockstadt, Marlys Mandaville, Anna George Meek, Nicky Motekallem, Jennifer Nevitt, Lindsay Nohl, Miles Ott, Melba Price, Terrence Payne, Sam Peck, Alex M. Petersen, Sydney Petersen, Rachel Poli, William Reichard, Jenny Schmid, Joe Sinness, Caitlin Skaalrud, Alanna Stapleton, Andy Sturdevant, Tessa Sutton, Carolyn Swiszcz, Elizabeth Tannen, Bruce Tapola, Emma Thole, Jade Townsend, Christopher Tradowsky, Haruna Ujo, Angela Vogt, Megan Vossler, Chris Willcox.